2024 Election Special Edition of Eye Magazine Released

The Eye magazine released its highly anticipated election special edition in April. This edition features articles from prominent figures such as K Satchidanandan, KJ Jacob, KN Ganesh, and K Sahadevan, offering diverse and insightful perspectives on the upcoming elections.
In support of this special edition, Vinod Narayanan (Pahayan) created a promotional video. The video has already garnered positive reception, enhancing the magazine’s visibility.https://youtu.be/yODBp57Wztc?si=eEnTnWTVZrDt1AFj
Additionally, YouTuber Sunitha Devadas have produced content based on the articles in this edition, further amplifying its impact. Their engagement has contributed to the widespread appreciation and discussion of the magazine’s election-related content.
Overall, the election special edition of Eye magazine has successfully captured the interest of readers and influencers alike, making a significant contribution to the discourse surrounding the elections.
Read Eye Magazine- https://magazine.darsana.in